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CloudFran Health and Wellness POS

CloudFran Point of Sale (POS)

Advanced POS functionality for franchises of all sizes - delivering value to your business!

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Get the CloudFran POS solution and enjoy expanded functionality for your business
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Some Core Features

CloudFran POS

Quick Keys and Product Lookup

Quick Keys allows for a single soft button to press for popular items and product lookup allows the cashier to quickly find any product in inventory.

User Accounts and Permissions

Each cashier will login to the account so you can track who is doing the transaction. This is key security feature and also allows you to view sales performance and set goals.

Multiple Payment Methods

A robust set of payment methods that selects the most popular payment methods by country, splitting payments, mobile payments, and more.

Mobile Registers

A cloud POS system that has a mobile app capabilities allow for the POS to work on any device, keeping this mobile, and close to where you need the POS to be located.

Customer Facing Display

Customer likes to see what their transaction on a viewable display, our solution supports this functionality. These pole displays are common in most restaurants.

Bulk Product Imports

When you have a large inventory of product types, you don't want to enter this data one at a time. CloudFran has a bulk inventory import so all your data can be quickly uploaded.

Want Core Features, get CloudFran POS

Some Core Features

CloudFran POS

Product Variants and Composites

If you have a large inventory, you need a large number of product variants, like multiple colors for the same product. Composites allow you to order combinations of your existing product, like a case of wine.

Bar Codes

Yes, we have you covered. We can print bar codes for tracking, management, et al. Use barcodes to scan items when they enter your stock, when you are shipping to a store, or when you sell an item to a customer.

Stock and auto-filled orders

CloudFran keeps track of your stock and alerts you when the stock levels are low. You can use this information within CloudFran to place an order with your supplier to refill your stock, easy and quick inventory management.

Inventory Counts

Keeping track of your inventory could be time consuming, so CloudFran has designed our system to minimize this time. You can manually enter info or easily scan the QR codes for automatic updates.

Stock Transfers

For stores with more than one location you can quickly transfer stocks to other locations. This makes it easier to accommodate large increases in sales volume that come quickly without having supply chain delays.


Stores will often run promotions as a marketing campaign, CloudFran can automatically apply discounts to specific products when provided the information. No need to manually mark down products.

CloudFran POS

The easiest and most flexible POS available, made for the franchisee!

Want Great Reporting, get CloudFran POS

Customer Management

Customer are the lifeblood of any business, the POS solution needs to know who your customers are and work to increase customer loyalty with points and other system level solutions. Yes, CloudFran can do this also - customer management.

Custom Properties

The CloudFran POS defines the common data fields that must be included for all customer entries and custom fields that allow the stores to enable employees to enter specific customer data - like comments.

Loyalty Programs

If you want to grow your business you need a strong Loyalty Program. CloudFran has a powerful loyalty program for your business, growing retention and increased sales.


CloudFran POS provides a comprehensive set of reports that gives the stores complete visibility into transactions. The system goes beyond the basics and can show various transaction data that drives business insights.


A quick at-a-glance view of your POS tells you a lot of information about your store. This gives the merchant an opportunity to see what is happening in their daily sales without and time consuming effort to get the data.

Product Reports

Want to see the performance of specific products, then you need product reports. This can show you information about all your products in your inventory. You can see best performing and worse performing products and more.

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Best Franchise POS

Want Amazing, get CloudFran POS

Employee Reporting

Every business needs to know who are the top performing sales people, CloudFran provides this in employee reporting. Tracking the transaction data per sales person is the ultimate in sales performance insight.

Customer Reports

Your system will need to know who are the best customers, spending the most money in your stores. You will need to know lots of information about the customer so you can engage them in buying more products.

Custom Reports

CloudFran allows the merchant to select and build their own custom reports. This gives stores the ultimate in flexibility in reporting and getting exactly the information you want.

AI Fraud Detection

The POS solution has Artificial Intelligence technology for the detection of fraudulent transactations. The detection is done automatically and these transactions are identified.

Security with CloudFran

CloudFran will never see any credit card information from your customer or any source. The credit information is encrypted and sent to a trusted merchant processor for processing. Our merchant processor handles billions of transactions.

Fleet Management

If you are a larger organization with hundreds or thousands of POS points in your infrastructure, we have you covered. With fleet management we make it easy to identify and manage ever POS location and transaction, globally.


Our POS Customers

Our POS customers first asked themselves why get a different POS, we have one now.  Then they thought about what they were paying each month for the use of the POS, and they they realized that they were paying additional service charges for loyalty programs, coupon management, special reports, campaigning, employee management software and more.  


And the answer become clear.....


The Franchise can save a lot of money by using CloudFran POS Software and leverage additional capabilities - A win-win for everyone!!


  • Mission

    Enable profitable growth

  • Vision

    A one-stop solution for all your essential software needs

  • Values

    Enabling successful business systems

Some Core Features

CloudFran POS

POS Cloud Kitchen Financing Application

The POS Solution

An easy to use POS system that has all the features you needs at a great price is all that you need to have a winning POS Solution.

  • Save Money

    A POS system should be provided at a good monthly price so you save each month on service charges for a POS. Its simple, SAVE MORE and MAKE MORE!

  • Security

    The POS needs to track account logins, be password protected, and detect fraudulent activities. The CloudFran POS will do this and more, at a great price!

  • Bundled Features

    With software, more is better. CloudFran will give you more+, so many features that give you a competitive edge! We did this for you and made it easy to use.


Trusted Feedback

CloudFran is here to support your business growth, we understand that you need flawless execution - and we deliver it.

We have been growing like crazy and our POS system could not keep up.  I was given the assignment to fix this and the CloudFran™ POS is the answer.

Monica Woodruff

VP of Growth, Health and Wellness

We needed a POS solution with fleet management, advanced security, great reporting, and reliable performance.  The CloudFran™ POS had everything we wanted!

Sandy Delgado

VP, Health and Wellness

CloudFran Other Solutions


Franchise Management Solutions that deliver a platform of services that maximizes profitability, minimizes, cost, and scales the business.

Health and Wellness

Franchise management software for client bookings, payments, and services that delivers a flawless customer experience across services.


A CRM solution that aligns the acquisition of new customers, communications, deals desk, and sales team optimization.


A professional ecommerce site that is secure, fast, easy to use, and is an essential technology to increase your business sales.

Expand and Grow

Expand your business footprint with CloudFran professional expansion services utilizing local country expert resources to help you win!

Financial Services

A full solution for a multi-site financial services company, providing all the tools necessary to expand the business model and increase profits.

CloudFran POS

The POS Solution is the heart of your retail infrastructure and needs to be secure, trusted, fast, reliable, cost effective, and easy to use.  But there is more, the system needs to be bundled with additional software features so you can use the POS information to help manage your business, driving in more revenue into your business.  


As your business grows, you will need fleet management, so you can manage and control all of your POS hardware and software on a location, state, and national basis.  You need to detect fraud and intervene before the fraud is transacted.  We can do all this and more, so what are you waiting for? Change Today and Start Saving.


 – Security for each transaction and AI driven fratud detection

 – Bundled features that extend the functionality of your POS

 – A low price that saves you money every month, straight to your bottom line.

 – An easy to use POS Solution with powerful reporting and business insights.


Get the CloudFran POS and learn why so many businesses are upgrading their technology suite while significantly lowering the costs – it’s the smart thing to do!

Allocating Products Sold in the P&L

Easy to Use POS that any business can use at a store level or within and entire franchise system that spans states and countries.

Advanced Analytics bring the power of data insights to both the locations and corporate brand.  No coders needed.

Get control of your Sales Performance with a simple, yet powerful solution form CloudFran.  Track sales  by person, by store, by product, and more.

A new Way to Thrive
It's Time to Upgrade your Business!
food cost
Decide your future now, with CloudFran
Bundled Features
Extend your POS in new ways, using data to manage your business while saving money each month!
Be Business Smart
Use the CloudFran solution to gain business insights without having to hire expensive IT teams to do work.
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